After each wearing, gently wipe each jewelry accessory with a 100% cotton cloth. Do not clean jewelry with alcohol.

For best results store jewelry accessories in an airtight jewelry box or bag with anti-tarnish paper; pearls and opals should be stored in fabric because they need to breathe. Silk stretches over time; always store bead necklaces on silk on a flat surface.

Store each jewelry piece separately so it doesn’t scratch other jewelry. Store jewelry away from sunlight as it can fade gemstones. Do not store jewelry next to heating vents, window sills, or in the car to avoid damage from extreme temperature changes.

Remove jewelry prior to exercise, bathing, and sleeping to protect it from scratches and tarnish.

Apply all personal products, including but not limited to lotions, perfumes, cosmetics, hand sanitizer, and hair spray before putting on jewelry as certain chemicals may damage the jewelry if rubbed or sprayed onto them directly.

Do not wear jewelry in the bath, in pools or in open water; the chlorine or salt, or both, in the water damages gemstones and metals.